Tuesday, April 18, 2006

How to bleed an astronaut...

In a science article (see "How to bleed an astronaut"), scientists are spending millions of dollars trying to figure out a way to Take blood from arteries while in space. Apparently, doing so in the microgravity of space is tricky and potentially dangerous.

Blood is easiest to collect from veins, but this blood is on its way back to the heart and has been de-oxygenated and altered in the body's tissues. This means it is not as useful for monitoring serious health problems as blood coming fresh from the heart in arteries.

After millions of dollars, they have come up with a a thumb-sized device that collects a sample from the earlobe.

I coulda saved them all that time and money. We at alsocanadian find this the most efficient device for bleeding astronauts:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find the light saber tends to cauterize the wound, reducing bleeding. Why, when I amputated my son's hand, there was no bleeding at all.....

10:42 AM  
Blogger alsocanadian said...

Darth, you have the power setting too high. With a lower setting you would have been covered in your sons arterial blood...

11:27 AM  
Blogger Sudiegirl said...

Lightsabers...is there anything they can't do?


8:35 PM  

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