Sunday, March 19, 2006

Having Tim Murphy give you advice about how to conduct Canada-U.S. relations is like ...

Lorrie Goldstein has set the plate with these gems ...

Having Tim Murphy give you advice about how to conduct Canada-U.S. relations is like ....

having Paul Martin give you advice about how to make a decision.
Or having Jean Chretien (pale - Ralph Klein?) give you advice about how to retire gracefully.
Or having Bob Rae give you advice about how to balance the budget.
Or having Scott Brison give you advice about how to operate a BlackBerry.
Or having Dalton McGuinty give you advice about how to keep your promises.
Or having Stephen Harper give you advice about media relations.
Or having Gilles Duceppe give you advice about how to be a patriotic Canadian.
Or having Jack Layton give you advice about how to become prime minister.
Or having George Radwanski give you advice about how to fill out your expense account.
Or having Belinda Stronach give you advice about how to start at the bottom and work your way to the top.

Or having Ken Dryden give you advice on public speaking.
Or having Jason Cherniak give you advice on how to be non-partisan.
Or having David Smith give you advice on how to avoid a conflict of interest.
Or having Tony Valeri give you advice on real estate transactions.
Or having Richard Mahoney give you advice on the lobbyist registration.



Blogger Danté said...

Or having Rabble give you advice on accepting diverse viewpoints.

So I hear.

11:41 AM  
Blogger alsocanadian said...

Or having Joe Clark give advice on being a statesman...

12:05 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

Or having Judy Sgro teach you how to get awesome deals at the local pizzeria

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

-Having Svend Robinson give you advice on buying a wedding ring.
-Having Scott Brison give you advice on choosing an OB-GYN.
-Having Hedy Fry give you advice on extinguising a burning cross.
-Having Alan Rock give you advice on what brand of rifle to buy.
-Having Anne MacLellan give you advise on fortifying a stronghold.
-Having Paul Martin give you advice on how best to hoist your nation's flag.

12:55 PM  
Blogger alsocanadian said...

Or having Dick Cheney give advice on hunting safety...

1:39 PM  
Blogger alsocanadian said...

or having Paul Coffin give advice on business ethics...oh, wait, thats part of his sentence...

1:53 PM  
Blogger Mr. Pauly Mac said...

Or having Brian Mulroney lecture you on the damage stacking the senate can do to accountable government.

Or Roy Romanow explaining how to be clear when making a point

2:16 PM  
Blogger Zorpheous said...

You could add
-having Mike Harris giving you advice on how to balance the budget.
-having Mike Harris give you advice on how to keep your promises
-having the Green party advice you on how to win elections, or even a seat ;-)
-having Zorpheous giving you advice on spelling and grammar, LOL ;-)

2:28 PM  
Blogger alsocanadian said...

I think ya mean Bob Rae on the first and Dalton McGuinty on the second, dont cha Zorph?

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We shouldn't be so amused that the rookie government is basically 'bunker bound' and not able to determine country's emergency/crisis scenarios.

For instance, protesting farmers in Queen's Park are almost off radar. No mention on Mike Duffy live today especially since Mike Duffy looks like he enjoys his vittals on a daily basis.

The media's apathy is showing a work deficit that is truly unprecedented and must rapidly be rectified.

Diane Finley last night on CBC Sunday news looked like she was swallowing hard for most of interview knowing perfectly well Harper's Child Care deal equates to pennies per day per family and essentially means leaving it up to business/industry to provide daycare spaces based on an incentive which they'll probably take but reneg on space provision.

They're all just role playing and there's no substance, railroading the public as usual in their own interests.

But there's awareness, don't kid yourself, that rhetoric won't fly this time.

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We shouldn't be so amused that the rookie government is basically 'bunker bound' and not able to determine country's emergency/crisis scenarios.

For instance, protesting farmers in Queen's Park are almost off radar. No mention on Mike Duffy live today especially since Mike Duffy looks like he enjoys his vittals on a daily basis.

The media's apathy is showing a work deficit that is truly unprecedented and must rapidly be rectified.

Diane Finley last night on CBC Sunday news looked like she was swallowing hard for most of interview knowing perfectly well Harper's Child Care deal equates to pennies per day per family and essentially means leaving it up to business/industry to provide daycare spaces based on an incentive which they'll probably take but reneg on space provision.

They're all just role playing and there's no substance, railroading the public as usual in their own interests.

But there's awareness, don't kid yourself, that rhetoric won't fly this time.

7:22 PM  
Blogger alsocanadian said...

Nonymouse is off his meds again...

11:11 PM  
Blogger alsocanadian said...

Nonymouse is off his meds again...

11:11 PM  

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