Friday, April 15, 2005

Why Paul Martin Sucked as a Lawyer...

Before our Prime minister entered politics he was a lawyer. He wasn't very good...

Judge: Mr. Martin, where was your client on the night of the murder?

Martin: Your Honor, my testimony is a matter of public knowledge. Any allegation that I interfered in any contract is a lie.

Judge: Uhhhh...Mr. Martin, I was asking about your client's...

Martin: I will tell the court what is not a lie, and that is what is now the Conservative position on health care. Last week it was Ralph Klein. Today it was Preston Manning and Mike Harris.

Judge: Mr. Martin, that was not the question! The question was...

Martin: What is the Conservative agenda, which is no longer hidden? I will tell Your Honor. It is no federal role in health care. It is no Canada Health Act. It is no one saying no to the privatization of health care. I will fight the Conservatives tooth and nail and we will protect the Canada Health Act.

Judge: Mr. Martin, I fail to see what the Canada Health Act has to do with...

Martin: Your Honor, again, the full testimony is there. However, let us talk about transparency. Let us talk about the Conservative hidden agenda on health care that the hon. member refuses to divulge.

Judge: Mr. Martin, I'm losing my patience with you! Quit dithering and tell the court what your clients defence is pertaining to...

Martin: Having said that, why is the hon. member refusing to address his hidden agenda on health care? Why is he refusing to stand here and deal with the issues raised by Preston Manning and by Mike Harris on his behalf? Canadians are entitled to know what the Conservative position is. Why did he send Mike Harris and Preston Manning out to do his bidding?

Judge: Mr. Martin, if this were not so serious, I would say you are in danger of making yourself a courtroom joke. You will be charged with contempt!

Unfortunately, Martin is not doing much better as PM... (It's called the cornered rat defence)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Specially the ones from egale :-o

9:30 AM  
Blogger alsocanadian said...

Martin, being an experienced lawyer, used this defence because he thinks Canadians suck!
C'mon, Paul. I might be dumb, but I'm not stupid!

11:40 AM  
Blogger William Tell said...

It's not Americans that Liberals think are morons and idiots... It's Canadians that Liberals think are morons and idiots!

1:12 PM  
Anonymous said...

Wow, there is a lot of worthwhile material above!

3:32 AM  

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