Greens Slide in Polls
Taxes are one tool governments have to shape society. For instance, both the Conservatives and Liberals have used our tax system to benefit corporations. Just in the last 5 years, federal corporate taxes have been reduced by almost 8 per cent as corporate profits hit record highs.I thought you were for the Corporate tax cuts in order to boost economic growth. Garth, please do not give up your pricinciples now that you are no longer a Conservative and please continue to speak out, publicly and often, whenever you disagree with Green Party policy and the leader of the Party.
I can't wait for the press conference where you will resign and run again in your riding to get your constituents approval to join this new party of whom they did not vote for. The Greens only got 5.8%, about twice what they got the election previous of the popular vote in Halton last election so it seems that your constituents might not want a Green MP.