update: blogger finally uploaded pic!
Mine's bigger than yours!
After being caught bold faced
lying to Canadians, Prime Minister Paul Martin reportedly received a stern warning from Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty (Canada's top liar): Stop, or else!
Apparently Mr. McGuinty was angry at the fact that the PM was caught openly lying to Canadians, which McGuinty has cornered the market on since 2003.
McGuinty was overheard saying to an aid "Who does he think he is, openly lying like that? He's always just used distortion of the facts, deceit, dishonesty, evasion, fabrications, falsehood, inaccuracy, misrepresentation, misstatements, subterfuge, and terminological inexactitude."
"I'm the biggest liar in Canada! If he thinks he's gonna push me out, he's got another think coming! "
Martin responded that although McGuinty openly lies more, he is much sneakier about his lying, and therefore a bigger liar.
"I'll put my deceit up against his any time, any place" said Martin.
Stay posted for the "Lie Off" event, which will probably start at the coming elections.